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Thanks for your interest in The Nutrition Wrap-Up Newsletter!  I'm Colleen, PA-C, RD and host of the Exam Room Nutrition podcast. In my FREE weekly newsletter, I share the latest nutrition hot-topics and answers to nutrition questions patients ask their providers.

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Keeping up with the changing landscape of nutrition is tough.

And providing nutrition education to patients can feel impossible. 

Medical education is lacking when it comes to equipping providers with nutrition counseling skills. And let's be honest, sometimes you don't know how to answer your patient when they ask you about nutrition and weight. 

The Nutrition Wrap-Up Newsletter is the best place for nutrition updates and professional development tools!

A quick, bullet-style email that tells you what you need to know, without all the fluff.

Exactly what you've been looking for right!? Sign up for my weekly emails and feel confident discussing nutrition with your patients!

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Each week, I summarize the Exam Room Nutrition Podcast and provide to-the-point reviews of latest nutrition research for busy medical providers.

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Tailored to help busy medical professionals navigate nutrition topics with patients.